Bonjour from Menton, the zest place on Earth! For Spring Break, I travelled to Menton, France, which is a charming and idyllic seaside town on the French Riviera. After having been in a wintery Scotland for the past few months, I had almost forgotten what the sun felt like! While the turquoise waters were still too frigid for swimming in, the pebbled beaches were warm and the town was truly blossoming with zeal. I’d arrived on the last day of the , which is French for Lemon Festival! A cross between the Rose Parade and Carnival, the Fête du Citron was a lemon wonderland bristling with vibrant, citrusy delight! There were an ample number of floats, vendors, and local artisans peddling their bright memorabilia and the city’s views were equally as breathtaking as the spectacular parade! The floats were behemoth crafts that towered over the bustling pedestrians as we all craned are necks to truly take in the majesty of the craftsmanship. Like the Rose Parade, all of the Fête du Citron floats were made up by real lemons and oranges, which had been craftily mounted by rubber bands upon metal wire cages. The ornate designs were truly marvelous and it was so fun to walk by each piece and feel like a little ant in a lemon giant’s world. Additionally, I had so much fun partaking in the local cuisines, i.e. lemon everything! From lemon madeleines, gelato, and muffins to refreshing lemonades and fresh squeezed orange juice, I don’t think my tongue had ever experienced so many puckering punches in one day before. And, of course, I had to indulge in a fresh baguette or two – it was France after all! The town of Menton itself was absolutely gorgeous. The marina was brimful with local ships and sea boats that felt straight out of a harbor painting, and the bright colors that adorned the local buildings helped to make the city feel like a fairytale realm. It was difficult to leave, but I am so glad that I got to experience this truly once-in-a-lifetime celebration!