Living in Spain has been challenging but incredibly rewarding. I’ve already learned so much just getting to the halfway point of the program. Learning any language can be a demanding task because of the complex intricacies between speaking, writing, and listening. I’ve learned many new words that are local to the area as well as the local accent. I’ve found the differences between regional accents to be fascinating because of how different they are. In Extremadura, where I’m living, they have a completely different accent from people living in the south in Andalusia. I think that it’s been a little bit of a challenge understanding he differences between the accents but I don’t think they have impeded my understanding or learning. But when it comes to food I’ve got to admit I’m not the biggest fan of the local cuisine. Living in Trujillo taught me that I don’t really like sausage and a lot of other meats. One of the local dishes I’ve tried is a bowl of boiled potatoes with garbanzo beans and an assortment of tomatoes and meat. One thing I love in Spain though is the seafood from giant prawns the size of me fist to little but delicious clams. I think food is easily the easiest way to connect with people because how can people be mad at each other when there’s delicious food in front of them. This is how I have connected with my host family. My host family is incredibly busy during the week and so they pop in and out but we always eat lunch together. We talk about how our days are going, what we’re going to eat, the news, and anything else that pops into our heads. It’s been stupendous chatting with my family as they introduce me to all kinds of new foods and traditions. I think the experience so far has been exhilarating as I’m learning the language, food, and traditions but I can’t wait to enjoy the rest of my time here.