Intro by Lindsay Stravolo


My name is Lindsay Stravolo and I am currently a senior at the College of Charleston.

I am majoring in Biology with a minor in Spanish. I chose the Faculty-Led program in Trujillo, Spain because of my burning passion for the Spanish language and traveling. Not only is this an opportunity to grow and get out of my comfort zone, but also a chance to overcome the challenges of moving to a different country and gain a new perspective on the world. The educational opportunities are endless when moving to a new country, and I hope to obtain skill sets by the end of the program that I would not have otherwise. I have been in Trujillo for about a month now, and I have set some goals for myself to accomplish this semester. One of those goals is to speak the Spanish language quicker than I do now. Trujillo is considered a southern city in Extremadura, which comes with accents, slang, and fast-paced speaking. Though this makes adapting to the language more difficult, it is a task I am challenging myself with. Another goal I have set is to try and visit as many cities in Spain as possible. Our program includes various trips to unique places but I would love to venture out on my own for some other cities on the east coast. When researching facts about Trujillo, Spain, I learned that “Game of Thrones” was filmed in the castle located at the top of the hill in the center of the city. I also researched facts about my host family and learned that the nephew is a soccer coach and the mother is a tennis player. Being an athlete my entire life, I was excited that my passions were shared with the family I was going to be living with.


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