Reflecting on My Time Abroad by Jimeace Bonaparte

With my last week abroad, I decided to travel to Paris. After putting in hardworking effort to complete the semester, I treated myself to a self-care trip. I have always dreamed of going to Paris, and could not pass up on the opportunity. I visited the Eiffel Tower, went to the Louvre, and explored other historical sites and monuments. With a French background, having the last name Bonaparte, it was interesting to dive deeper into the history. It was nice to experience a different environment, after being primarily in England the majority of the time. 

Eiffel Tower

Overall, I am very pleased with my experience studying abroad. I would encourage anyone who is fortunate enough to take advantage of the opportunity to travel while also receiving an education. Have a plan before applying to a program. Have an extensive list of courses prepared, just in case there are scheduling conflicts at the host institution. Take courses that will give credits towards your major, but do not overload yourself. I took a minimum of 12 credit hours but was strategic in how they would transfer back to my home institution. In doing so, I was able to fully enjoy my time abroad. Studying in a completely different country can be challenging. Their educational system will most likely differ, and adjusting to a new way of studying may or may not be difficult. It all depends on the individual. You also don’t want to spend the majority of your time studying. Give yourself time to travel, explore, and soak in the new experiences while they last. 

Lastly, try to make as many friends as possible, to keep those lifelong connections. I met some really great people during my time at Sussex and hope to remain in contact. I also love to travel, so I hope to visit my friends in their home countries sometime in the future. It’s also a great way to stay connected with different cultures and continuously learn new things.

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