My name is Jimeace Bonaparte and I am a Sophomore at CofC. I am a Biology major and a Medical Humanities minor. For the 2021 fall semester, I am studying abroad at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England. I chose this university because I have always wanted to travel to the UK, so I didn’t want to miss out on a great opportunity. I also knew there wouldn’t be a language barrier, easing my anxiety and allowing me to have the best experience possible. While I’m abroad, I hope to get out of my comfort zone by being more social and trying new things. I want to allow myself to be completely open while learning about a new culture and way of life. Prior research I did before coming to the UK was about different locations to travel, historical sights to visit, and similarities and differences in comparison to American culture. I also connected with others from the UK and specifically Sussex weeks in advance to have an idea of what life is like from their personal point-of-view, socially and academically. I’m excited for the next 3 months, and glad that I am able to share my journey with others.