Management Center Innsbruck by Lulu Mackenzie

*Written previously*


Hi! My name is Lulu Mackenzie and I am a junior at College of Charleston. I am a Hospitality and Tourism Management major with a Business Language in French minor. I am originally from Boston, Massachusetts, and my time so far at The College has been amazing! This spring, I will be studying abroad in Innsbruck, Austria at the Management Center Innsbruck. I will be taking several management courses, as well as some specific hospitality classes like Alpine Tourism.

I chose MCI for their unique approach on international studies and the way they structure their courses. They source world class professors to come to Innsbruck and teach condensed courses all throughout the semester, and I thought that was very interesting. While abroad, I plan to make the most of my four months by traveling, studying hard, and enjoying day-to-day life among a different culture than my own. A big part of my major is being able to address and accommodate guests from all over the globe, as well as being able to communicate well with coworkers from different backgrounds as well. In addition, I hope to discover hobbies or interests that I would not have otherwise known I enjoyed.

So far, I have gathered that Austria is a stunning country where people appreciate the landscape around them. Hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and rock climbing are just some of the everyday activities most Austrians adore. I love the outdoors and grew up skiing in New England, so I am very eager to experience the Alpine conditions in Innsbruck. Another thing I have learned is that Austrians love the fine arts and are very proud of the country’s classic European architecture and museum scene. It will be very special to walk around Vienna and other Austrian cities whose buildings date back to the 12th century or earlier! It is safe to say that I am very excited to begin my time abroad on March 2nd at MCI. I look forward to writing the rest of my blogs and sending photos and videos back to the CIE for everyone to share!

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