While abroad, it’s easy to travel to other countries for the weekend and explore a new culture, but it’s also fun to discover the other cities in your country as well. A part of my program entailed two excursion trips that allowed us to explore Spain in more depth. I was excited to partake in individual traveling as well as the excursions our program had in place for us. I was nervous at first to travel as I’ve heard numerous stories of thieves pick pocketing you, but as I always say, “Life is about taking risk”.

Our first trip/excursion was to Mérida which was a beautiful place with a lot of history. We went to the Theater of Mérida which was built by the Romans when they invaded Hispania in 218 B.C… The theater was a great way to see how the Romans implemented their culture into Spain. Our second and my most favorite trip was going through Andalusia. We went to Córdoba in which we saw the Mosque of Córdoba which was by far the most exquisite place I’ve seen until I went to Seville; which will take about later. Afterwards, we headed to Granada in which we were able to dig deeper into Spain’s history by visiting La Alhambra. For our final excursion, we went to Seville to visit the Cathedral of Seville which is the largest cathedral in the world. This exquisite site was unbelievably remarkable from the styling, architecture, and culture. Seville was easily my favourite city in Spain, and perhaps my favourite in all of Europe. I became enamored with the Plaza of Seville as it was filled with so much culture. The designs that went into crafting the buildings were incredible, especially the outer parts of the building that were styled with each region of Spain. In the end, the trips that took place during this program were amazing and life changing as it has opened me up to a new world of endless possibilities.