Studying abroad in Groningen, the Netherlands was an experience I’ll cherish forever. I’ve had the intention of studying abroad before I was even in college, and Groningen stood out to me as the perfect fit for where I wanted to go. Groningen is a small town in the Netherlands, about two hours by train from Amsterdam, filled with more college students and foreigners than otherwise. Getting everything sorted for school, setting up a Dutch bank account, finding a bike (a necessity in Groningen), and applying for a residence permit among other things made the first week feel overwhelming! However a major perk of Groningen is that as soon as I arrived, I made friends I’d have throughout my time there. As there were a huge number of other exchange students in Groningen, the majority of whom were living in the same dorm as myself, meeting new people was the easiest thing about moving there! My classes also allowed me to meet new people from all around the world, I even had a lecture in a movie theater that sat 250 other exchange students! In the short two months I was there I made friends I will appreciate forever, especially the three girls I came to Groningen with and will be returning to CofC with. We have vowed to go back to Groningen together as soon as possible! (Spring break 2021 perhaps?). Every foreign student I met in Groningen was equally excited about being there and equally motivated to travel to neighboring countries and cities and experience Groningen the way a local does!