I have a couple of different experiences that came to mind when deciding what to write my blog posts about. I have decided to write about my experience getting a pedicure abroad because I don’t think anyone has covered that one! You would think this would be something pretty simple, as the word pedicure is the same in Italian as it is in English! I was able to make an appointment with someone on the phone in English (the place I went is called Maniboo), and I was actually really excited to get a pedicure because I have been walking an average of over ten miles a day here! I really wasn’t nervous about this like some other things that I’ve had to do here, because how can getting a pedicure be a nerve-wracking experience?
I had done research and read reviews online and no where on the internet did the website or reviews mention that you had to be buzzed inside. Because of the number of plants outside anyone from the street could not see the button, and I was already getting stressed from seeing all of the technicians and customers stare at me as I was trying to figure out how to get inside. Finally someone buzzed me in! There was no check in area so I began to try and look at colors, and then I was asked in very broken English if I had made an appointment and I had three days prior. I was able to communicate that I did have an appointment after speaking to the reception
Then I was led to my station to soak my feet! Finally! Oh wait, I hadn’t chosen a color yet. The lady just told me to sit down and she would grab one for me. I insisted I wasn’t ready and I wanted to look at them and then choose one. Then I learned something new: Italian women typically only get gel polish on their toes! If you don’t want gel polish on your toes then you are typically supposed to bring your own polish from home for the technician to use. So then my options decreased exponentially, and I just picked the first non gel color I saw which happened to be a glittery black. The only reason I found this out? About five minutes after I finally sat down to soak my feet (had to wait another 35 minutes before a technician came over to begin the actual pedicure) a nice woman about my grandmother’s age sat down next to me! Turns out she was from North Carolina, and she lives in Florence now. She said if you don’t get gel you are supposed to bring your own polish, but no one let her know that either, and that she made the same mistake the first time that she visited that nail salon. Again, how was I supposed to know that? My experience getting a pedicure abroad was one that I’ll never forget, and at the same time something that I’ll never do again to save myself the embarrassment I experienced on Thursday.