I’ve done many puzzles throughout my life however, packing for abroad is by far the most challenging one. I want to help you do your best and look your best while living out of a suitcase for 4 months. In this article I will share with you 5 ways to style the 5 things in your suitcase.
My first piece of advice is one word only, BASICS! Basic staple pieces in your wardrobe will be your best friend. Basics allow you to re-wear and repair. It can look completely different with accessories and what you choose to pair it with!
My second piece of advice is to choose 1 or 2 statement pieces that go well with your basics to spice up an outfit. The statement pieces I chose to bring along with me are a black denim jacket with rhinestone fringe and my pink fuzzy sweater. They are still easy to pair with anything but gives a little flair to my look.
Lastly bring 1 or 2 fun pairs of pants that will go with most things in your suitcase. I chose a pair of blue jeans and gingham pants. My jeans have a fun boot bottom made out of recycled jean material to give a unique patchwork look. Then, my white and black gingham pants which are a fun statement pant but go with any basic top.
Now here are the 5 different ways to style these basic and statement pieces together. Remember that fashion is unique for everyone and a form of self-expression so have fun with it!
First look is a basic black or white tee with gingham pants and my most trusted shoes, Doc Martens. This is perfect for any weather and can also go well with a pair of sandals or chunky sneakers.

The second outfit is a pink fuzzy sweater with jeans. Basic but fun when you add in vinyl black boots. Whether it be your shoes, jewelry, or a belt it can take your outfit to the next level.

The third look I pieced together are the same denim jeans with the black denim jacket and white tee. You can throw any top under this jacket. I spiced it up with my belt and vinyl black boots!

The fourth look is gingham pants with the pink fuzzy sweater. This sweater adds a fun texture and is an easy color to pair with other pieces. I chose a pair of statement earrings to give this outfit a little bit of personality.

Lastly for the 5th look the I paired my black t-shirt with the denim jeans. I added a little pattern and personality into the outfit with a cow print belt.

All 5 pieces were based on pieces I took in my suitcase. Don’t be afraid to throw some color and pattern into your wardrobe. But do remember that basics are everything when packing with little space for a long time.