My name is Edward Neal. I am a double major in history and German with a minor in British Studies. I am now Junior and I will be attending the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, UK. I chose this program because I have a very great interest in the United Kingdom. I had been previously in 2017 but unfortunately, I did not get much of a chance to see the country for myself, as I was bound by the restrictions of a school group. English history is one of my favorites. Some major goals of mine are to observe as much of the UK as I can. My interest is heavily in the medieval period so I would like to see castles, old churches and Abbeys, as well as cathedrals. I would also like to do some antiquing and shopping to add to my collection of books and historical pieces. I would love to explore London again as it is such an amazing place with so much to offer! I didn’t get to see the Tower of London when I was there last time so that will be one of my first stops! I have done much research into the cities I would like to visit and the things I would like to do and see there! My list is very large, and I would hope to see them all! With the proximity of the UK to the rest of Europe, I would like to do some foreign exploring. I haven’t yet figured out which countries to visit but I have a few in mind! One of the tops is France, as I have never been before. I have learned much about it and I am so excited to hopefully see it for my own eyes! I am very excited for my time in Europe!! I will be waiting all summer for it!