As my time in Rome, Italy comes to a close, I can look back at all the amazing opportunities that I had while studying abroad while taking home a lot of the new things I have learned about culture and traditions in Italy and Europe itself. After living in Italy for almost 4 months, I became accustomed to the differences that Italian culture has in Rome. The traditions surrounding food and dining, the vast amounts of art and culture around every corner, and the very kind Roman people who treated me like family will always be a part of the memories that I made while abroad. One of the most meaningful moments of studying abroad was the people that I was able to meet and become friends with. Studying abroad with an affiliate program allowed me to meet new people that were not just from my surrounding area of charleston but from across America. I was able to become friends with people who also did not travel with others from their school which gave a unique bond between us and out time abroad. And being a part of a American international college like John Cabot University in Rome also allowed me to meet other students from around the world. This allowed me to learn more about Italian and other European cultures and how students my age lived their everyday lives across the world. Reflecting on the little time I have left in Rome, one regret that I have is that I didn’t explore the city of Rome more than I had. Even though it felt like I had explored a great majority of the city, there were still so many neighborhoods and regions of the city that I did not get the opportunity to see. Rome is such a large city so it is hard to see every part of it but I wish that I had focused on seeing more of the city. So advice that I would give to new study abroad students is that while it is a great opportunity to explore the country and continent you are studying in, do make time to explore your home city because before you know it you will be moving on from your study abroad