I cannot believe I am already half way done with my semester abroad. Time is going by too fast and there is still so much to explore!
Outside of Trujillo, I’ve been to Andalusia, London, Marseille and a few cities in Italy. I am still amazed by how low travel expenses are. A weekend away (whether it’s inside or outside of Spain) is easily accessible and relatively stress free instead of a worry-intensive money drain. My favorite day abroad was in Marseille, France. It was towards the beginning of my program and I was able to jump off of rocks into the bluest water I had ever seen with my new-found friends. We swam, ate crepes and scootered our way through all the cobble stone streets and pastel colored buildings the city had to offer. I look back on that day/trip fondly and remember the bonding that ensued with those four girls that I can now proudly call some of my best friends.
Aside from travelling, the classes here are so different from back home (in the best way). I look forward to my walk up to La Corria, where the weather is always beautiful and the views never fail. Inside the classroom, everyone is so comfortable due to our shared experiences with each other that class discussions are plentiful and interesting. Our topics are based on what we are experiencing, so everyone can always relate it to our personal lives or use the knowledge to help them while in Trujillo or travelling. For example, in one of my communication classes we learned a lot about the history and practice of flamenco dancing. The next week during our trip to Andalusia, we went to a flamenco performance and had the chance to see everything we had learned in action.
I am so happy to be having this experience surrounded by so many amazing peers, professors, and friendly locals. Memories are in the making, and I can’t wait to see what story comes next.