Hello from Florence, Italy by Hannah Bain

Ciao! I’m Hannah Bain, a Communication major and Political Science minor, and a junior at the College. I am currently studying abroad in Florence, Italy via a CofC faculty-led program intended for both Communication and English majors/minors.

Our program emphasis is on the Slow Food movement. While enjoying all that Italy has to offer, we are also experiencing some of the best food the world has to offer. As a group, we’ve visited small towns, local artisans, festivals, and farms to further explore the international movement in food that began right here in Italy. “Slow food” is food that is, according to the official organization, “good, clean, and fair”. “Good” referring to quality of ingredients and health of food, “clean” referring to environmentally friendly production, and “fair” referring to accessible for the masses and fair conditions for producers (Slowfood.com).

I chose this program because I have always wanted to travel in Italy and because, well, I love food and Italian food especially. I was fascinated by the idea of learning about food while in a country known for its cuisine and was pleased that my major coincided with the trip.

My goals while being abroad have been to focus on the moment and be active in my adventure. It’s difficult to soak up all the new experiences, as it’s constant stimulation. However, throughout my trip I am really striving to be present and mindful in all that I am seeing with the knowledge that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Before arriving, I felt like I had a general concept of Italy created partially from romantic images present in cultural artifacts and partially from the limited research I did. I researched common Itlaian phrases, restaurant behavior, and clothing do’s and don’ts: these were all things I was told to prepare myself for.

I am so grateful to be in the heart of Italy, learning and exploring!

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