As I first arrived in Chile, I looked at the program’s schedule, and realized we had a week off of school in September. Chile’s Independence Day is September 18, but the country uses an entire week to celebrate, mostly referred to as Fiestas Patrias. My group and I instantly decided to take this week to travel and also celebrate. Half of the group went to Valparaiso, while some of us flew to Puerto Montt. We were able to get away from the city for a couple of days, where we almost froze to death, visiting the extraordinary Volcán Osorno. Each of us came back from our trips just in time to take part in the festivities. Going to las fondas was probably the most exciting. Las fondas are massive parties where the streets are closed off for the public, and restaurants and markets are able to sell their products. My group and I went on the metro and went to the biggest fonda yet. There we were able to eat typical Chilean food like choripán. We were also able to witness people dancing cueca and we as well followed along. This time is given to everyone as a week off so they are able to celebrate with their friends and family. At these festivities we see many people and children having a great time with their loved ones. Besides these festivities, people also have their own parties. My friends’s host mom invited us to one of these parties and there we able to also drink terremotos and dance until maybe three o’clock in the morning. Partaking in these celebrations have made me feel immersed in the culture and feel a sense of community with the Chilean people. It truly is an experience I will not forget.