Hello! My name is Emilia Olson and I am a Sophomore with a double major in Public Health and International Studies with a concentration in Latin American and the Caribbean, as well as completing my pre-med requirements. I am studying abroad this semester through the School of International Training (SIT) in the International Honors Program on the Health and Community track. The International Honors Program is a multi-country program that studies various critical global issues—for my track we are spending around a month in Vietnam, South Africa, and Argentina! I chose this program because I am interested in Global Health and I loved the idea of being able to study health systems in comparison to one another. My goals during my time abroad are to widen my perspective on what medicine and health are, further clarify my career goals, and develop relationships with my host families and peers on the program. The main research I did on my host countries was about food and language, as well as cultural norms so that I could be respectful in my host families’ homes.