I am not taking an official class to learn Greek but I have a few friends that are so they are helping me. Greek is very difficult to understand and speak so it has definitely been hard for me but I am trying and slowly becoming better and more confident. The greatest culture shock for me is the fact that you cannot flush any toilet paper down the toilet and you have to throw everything into the trash. Therefore, bathroom trash has to be frequently taken out. Also a very interesting thing I have noticed when comparing cultures is that many Greeks and Europeans in general know many languages fluently. This is very interesting to me because many people here know English very well and multiple other languages. Many Americans know other languages but not as fluently and many only know English. I think that English is so dominant that many Americans do not feel the need to learn other languages because most people around the world can speak English. I also believe that American culture is dominant in fields such as music, movies, theatre, and television. Therefore, many people from other countries are influenced by American culture and hear English more frequently so they can understand and comprehend English more. Also, many Greeks that I have met are required to learn English in school so this creates structured learning. Many Americans learn Spanish in school, sometimes French or something else, but most curriculum only teaches basic language. Language can be easily forgotten so the use of American influences in the media has allowed for greater comprehension due to frequency in many European countries.
I have adjusted very well to the different culture in Greece because many people do not rush and take their time with many things. Everyone is very friendly and enjoy a good conversation. There are many people who are very willing to share their knowledge about archeological sites when I visit them. People seem to love Americans and want to talk to us and test their English skills. Many people at the beaches are very friendly too and many wake up early to go for swims and exercise. An interesting cultural difference that I have noticed is that going to a restaurant for coffee is a social event. Many Greeks talk and smoke their cigarettes while drinking coffee for long periods of time. In America, many people go to coffee shops to study and do not stay too long if they are socializing because many Americans rather go to brunch or something along those lines. Many people here say the Greeks always run 10 minutes late, which is true! Many Greeks loosely follow time restraints and many people are late to class. It will be very difficult to adjust back to the American lifestyle because the Greeks are so laid back. Overall, I am thoroughly enjoying my time here and would love to stay longer!