How is it already the end? I know people say time goes faster as you get older, but oh my gosh it needs to SLOW DOWN! As I sit back and look at my time abroad, I only look at it with fondness.
I remember when I was coming, everyone was telling me I was going to get extremely homesick and want to come home so many times, but to be honest, that didn’t really happen for me. Was abroad all highs and no lows? Of course not! But was every second something to be extremely grateful for. Y-E-S.
Here’s some advice for people considering going abroad or already are (specifically for Rome):
- You’re going to walk SO much. Leave the uncomfy shoes at home. Seriously, you won’t wear them, and if you do, let’s just say I’ve watched a fair share of people eat it on cobblestone streets
- If you can make your schedule only 3 days a week, do it. I got to leave for places like Barcelona, London, and Switzerland on Wednesday nights because I didn’t have Thursday and Friday, classes. It was so worth it.
- If your phone company doesn’t offer an international plan that’s reasonable, just get an Italian SIM card when you get there. I thought I would use Verizon’s $70 a month plan, but that was 2.5GB of data and 100 minutes of calls. I ended up ditching that and getting Iliad. They are about $10 a month for unlimited calls and texts and 50GB of data. It’s just so much easier and they are the best SIM card company.
- Make a bucket list. Your time abroad is going to go by in a blink of an eye and you’ll soon look back hoping you got to do even close to all the stuff you hoped for.
- Make a 1-Second-Everyday for your time abroad. That’s what I did and every time I watch it, I smile. It might be hard to remember, but even if you just do a few, it will be worth it
- I think a huge part of me not getting homesick was something a professor said to all of us at the beginning of the semester. She said, “if you start to get homesick, that’s okay, but just know you’re only going to be here for a few short months. You can either choose to make the most of them or spend them being sad. Either way, you’re here for the same amount of time.” That really stuck with me.
Well, that’s all folks. I really hope you’ve enjoyed these few short blogs. If you’re reading these and going abroad, get excited! You’re about to embark on some of your favorite college days. Have fun! See y’all back in the States!