Introducción a España by Spencer Marsh

My name is Spencer Marsh and as I enter my final year at CofC, I have decided to study abroad. This opportunity was presented to me in the unlikely form of a capstone class for my major, Communication. After reading the description for what I’m sure will be the best time of my life, I took a chance and joined the CofC faculty led program to study abroad in Trujillo, Spain. Even though it has nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with my minor, crime, law, and society, I was very excited to take up this truly once in a lifetime chance to embrace and explore a whole new world. I chose this program not simply because I wanted to leave my comfort zone, but also to create an even larger one that will last for years to come.

I have three main goals for this program. First, I hope to come home knowing more Spanish than I do now. (Which won’t be hard because I am basically helpless in the Spanish language department). Second, I want to travel to as many countries as I can, and my wallet will allow me. I want to try to land on at least 3 of the 7 continents. And my last goal, as I mentioned earlier, is to expand my comfort zone as much as possible. Since I will be living with a host family who presumably does not speak English, I have a feeling my last goal is the first to be met.            

In anticipation of my arrival, I studied my future town and discovered it’s hidden gem like quality as the best, quick, tourist small-town destination in Spain. I learned it’s covered in a rich history of wars and conquistador acquisitions. As well as, surrounded by rolling mountains and a few castles. All in all, after learning so much I can’t wait to discover my new home.

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