America the Great?

One characteristic of my journey in France thus far has been being constantly identified as an American. When people hear my american accent they almost immediately start speaking in English and ask the hot- topic question: what do you think about Donald Trump?

I have found that most french people are fascinated with American culture. Most everyone speaks a little bit of English and is aware of the politics along with the pop culture. The American music and film industry is very popular here, and I’ve found that I can relate to most french people on these topics. Therefore, I sense that America has a glamorous image in the mindset of many french people– except when it comes to politics.

I am impressed by the global awareness in France. The people here are updated on the politics in multiple countries and not only there own. In realizing this fact, I have noted that in the United States the focus is on American politics, and that the american school system mainly teaches students to learn about the history and current events of their own country. From time to time, I feel an embarrassment when I am unaware of a certain global issue.

Nevertheless, I feel a certain pride when I am identified as an American. There are certain cultural aspects that are unique to the country; we are known for great music, famous movies and of course fast food. I spent one weekend with a french family in the Alps and they insisted on baking homemade american-style chocolate chip cookies, with an American! To balance things out, afterwards the family let me try ten different types of French cheeses. It was quite the healthy cultural exchange!

I find myself recognizing the cultural differences between France and the United States on a daily basis and making distinctions on which factors I want to adopt into my daily life. I love the french fashion and the pride that people take in their daily appearance. Additionally, the fresh food and healthy eating habits inspire me to choose my food products more wisely. Both cultures have positive and negative characteristics, and I hope to keep an open mind to learn about where I came from and what France has to offer.

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