Save lids to save lives!

The Addlestone Library Circulation department is collecting Yoplait lids to support the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure campaign during the months of October to December 2010. Last year the organization reached their goal, raising $1.5 million for the cure.

Yoplait will donate $.10 to the Susan G. Komen foundation–up to $1.6 million dollars for every pink lid collected and mailed to Yoplait by December 31, 2010.  Come join us in supporting of Cancer Research.

Bring your clean, pink Yoplait lids to the Circulation desk  in the Addlestone Library and place them in the pink Yoplait box on the Circulation desk.

Donate to Better World Books!

Better World Books ( is a national organization that hosts student-run book drives on various university and college campuses. Upon singing up to participate, all the required materials are sent directly to the individuals organizing the book drive (i.e. all flyers, donation boxes, shipping boxers). The donated books are then either sold online, with all profit going to one of five charities, or the books are directly donated to one of the literacy charities. Currently, Better World Books is affiliated with these five charity programs: Books for Africa, Room to Read, Worldfund, the National Center for Family Literacy, and Invisible Children.

The box to donate the books is on the first floor near the main staircase in the alcove.

Pass the message along!

Renewing books

Dont’ forget that you can renew your books three different ways:

1. Online: log into “My library account” under Quick Links. If you renew online, make sure that you do it before the due date. Otherwise, call or come to the desk.

2. In person: just bring your CofC ID.

3. Over the phone–call 953.8001.

If you have any questions or have problems renewing, call 953.8001.

Breast Cancer Awareness: Save Lids to Save Lives at the Circulation Desk

During the months of October through December Yoplait will donate .10 cents towards cancer research for every pink Yoplait lid collected and turned into Yoplait by the end of the year.

Please bring your donated pink Yoplait lids to the Circulation Department and placed them in the pink collection box on the Circulation desk.

The drive is being sponsored by the College of Charleston’s Women Studies Group.

Jacob Murray Scholarship

The Jacob Murray Memorial Book Fund is a textbook stipend to support students who have demonstrated financial need. The fund was established in 1986 to honor Jacob Murray, an excellent reference librarian at the College of Charleston. He served the College in addition to his full time work in the Charleston County Schools, including holding the rank of Assistant Principal and coach at James Island High School for many years.

Jacob Murray was one of Charleston’s most outstanding citizens. He was an entrepreneur and was widely known through out the business community.

Applications may be submitted to the Circulation Department at the Marlene and Nathan Addlestone Library Monday through Thursday from 7:30 AM to midnight, Fridays from 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM, Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Sundays from 10:00 AM to midnight by November 16, 2009. Applications for submission may be downloaded from the Jacob Murray link.

LibraryThing vs. Shelfari

Currently, the Browsing Collection uses LibraryThing and Shelfari to give an online preview of sorts to what we have in the collection.

For those of you who use them, which one do you like better?

Welcome back to the new semester!

The new academic year has started!

As you come in to use the library for the first time or if you’re a seasoned veteran, keep in mind these few points:

1. No food is allowed in the library–you can eat in the cafe or on the porch. Covered drinks are allowed.

2. If you need to check something out (even something that is on reserve), you will need to have your Cougar card.

3. The second and third floors are quiet areas. If there is a problem on one of those floors, contact the Public Safety officer at the Security desk.

4. If you want to reserve a study room, you need to have 3 people present at the desk, a valid Cougar card and no overdue books or fines over $3.00.

Those are just the highlights–if you have more questions, come by the desk and ask!

Have a great semester!