Hypothetical question

If you could choose how to charge for late books, would you:

a. Charge a fine per day until the amount reaches the maximum fine. If it is still not returned after that time period, then the replacement fee would be charged.

b. Return it and there would be no fines (!). BUT,  if it is damaged or lost, you would have to pay the replacement fee. Also, if the book is recalled and you did not return it, there would be a fee of maybe, $1.00 per day.

–I see benefits and problems with both sides.

I would probably pick “b” though, if I had the choice.

Any thoughts?

Reviews needed!

As part of the Browsing committee, I’m working on a project to show off what kind of books that we have and  to have small reviews of the books to peak interest.

If you have read one of our current Browsing books and are willing to write a review (or have any more questions), you can either leave a comment here or send me an email at galboa@cofc.edu with “BBC review” in the subject line.

