Online Study Room Self-Reservation Now in Effect

Here is a link to Addlestone Library’s new online study room reservation system:


• Student Study Rooms are for the exclusive use of College of Charleston students for course related library purposes only.
• Student Study Rooms may not be used for clubs, recreation, regularly scheduled meetings or for campus departmental business including meetings with classroom instructors for regular office hours.
• All Study Rooms are unlocked and available for College of Charleston students on a first on a first come, first served basis, however; group study room users without reservations must leave when requested by a group with proof of a valid reservation, i.e., confirmation of the reservation.


• Collaborative Study Rooms may be reserved for groups of three or more persons. A maximum of 6 students are allowed in small study rooms. A maximum of 10 people are allowed in rooms 236 and 326.
• Leaving unattended items in an unscheduled room does not constitute fair use and others may use rooms even if unattended items are left behind.
• The Library is not responsible for personal property left in rooms.
• Chairs may not be removed from the rooms.
• No food, uncovered drinks or tobacco of any kind may be used in the rooms.
• The rooms are subject to the Problem Behavior Policy.
• There should be no unnecessary noise, boisterous behavior, musical instruments or loud music played in the rooms.
• Any other inappropriate conduct or behavior (i.e. eating and drinking, smoking, etc.) will result in patrons being expelled from the study room.
• Any problems, scheduling conflicts or misuse should be reported to the circulation desk or the security desk.


• Reservations can be made online or via mobile phone by visiting and clicking “Study Room Reservations”. Only CofC students with a valid email address are allowed to make reservations. Once a reservation is made, the student will receive an email to confirm the reservation. The student must confirm the reservation within 30 minutes of receiving the email to complete the reservation process. You may use your confirmation email to verify your reservation in the event that two groups claim to have a reservation for the same time.
• Reservations may be made up to 14 days in advance.
• Each student can make two, one hour reservations per day, up to 3 times per week.
• Reservations are no longer made in person or over the phone.
• If your plans change, please cancel your reservation before your reservation is scheduled to begin to allow another group to make a reservation. Just click the link provided in the confirmation email to cancel your room.


• Reservations have priority. If you are using a study room without a valid reservation, you must leave when asked by a group with a valid reservation. All study rooms are open and are available (subject to the policies above) on a first come, first served basis.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Collaborative Study Rooms, our policies or the new online reservation system, please contact the Circulation Desk at or 953-8001.