Welcome back to the new semester!

The new academic year has started!

As you come in to use the library for the first time or if you’re a seasoned veteran, keep in mind these few points:

1. No food is allowed in the library–you can eat in the cafe or on the porch. Covered drinks are allowed.

2. If you need to check something out (even something that is on reserve), you will need to have your Cougar card.

3. The second and third floors are quiet areas. If there is a problem on one of those floors, contact the Public Safety officer at the Security desk.

4. If you want to reserve a study room, you need to have 3 people present at the desk, a valid Cougar card and no overdue books or fines over $3.00.

Those are just the highlights–if you have more questions, come by the desk and ask!

Have a great semester!