Study Room

Who May Use Student Study Rooms:

• Student Study Rooms are for the exclusive use of College of Charleston students for course related, library purposes only.

• Student Study Rooms may not be used for clubs, recreation, regularly scheduled meetings or for campus departmental business including meetings with classroom instructors for regular office hours.

• All Study Rooms are unlocked and available for College of Charleston students on a first come, first serve basis, however; group study room users without reservations must leave when requested by a group with proof of a validreservation, i.e., confirmation of the reservation.

• There is a 15-minute grace period for reservations.   If the group is not present within the grace period, the reservation is invalid, and another group may use the room.

• Rooms are for the exclusive use of three or more persons.

• Leaving unattended items in an unscheduled room does not constitute fair use and others may use rooms even if unattended items are left behind.

• No food, uncovered drinks or tobacco of any kind may be used in the rooms.

• Reservations can only be made in person at the Circulation Desk.   A validated CofC ID will be required in order to make reservations.

• Reservations are for two hours and may be renewed one time if no one else is waiting.


For more information, please see the Study room policy.

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