- CofC students : Unlimited book limit, 28 day checkout period.
- CofC faculty/staff : Unlimited book limit, 180 day checkout period.
- Friends of the Library (Art Institute/American College of the Building Arts/Ashley Hall, etc.): 5 book limit, 2 week checkout period.
- Citadel/MUSC/Charleston Southern/Trident Tech : Consortium members, FOL, and special patrons : 5 book limit, 14 days checkout period.
- Academic Magnet High School and Burke High School : 2 book limit and 14 days checkout.
- Special summer programs (Upward Bound,Spectra, Governor’s School): 2 book limit and 14 days checkout period.
- Gibbes Museum of Art : 25 books, 60 days checkout period.
For more information about guidelines, please see here or you may call us at 953.8001.