Japanese Studies Minor
The Japanese Studies Minor is a structured course of study designed to acquaint students with Japanese language, civilization, and culture.
Requirements: 18 hours
Core Courses:
JPNS 313 Japanese Conversation and Composition I (3)
JPNS 314 Japanese Conversation and Composition II (3)
Elective Courses (Four additional courses must be selected from the following list of electives):
JPNS 343 Advanced Conversation and Composition (3)
JPNS 390 Special Topics in Languages and Cultures (3)
LTJP 250 Japanese Literature in Translation (3)
LTJP 350 Literature in Translation: A Foreign Author (3)
LTJP 390 Special Topics (3)
HIST 286 History of Japan to 1800 (3)
HIST 287 History of Modern Japan (3)
ARTH 103 History of Asian Art (3)
ARTH 243 History of the Art of Japan (3)
RELS 248 Religious Traditions of China and Japan (3)
POLS 343 Politics of East Asia (3)