Filed Under (1) by chikuma on 09-10-2008

The Japanese Club meets every Wednesday, at 5 p.m., in the Stern Student Center, Room 206 this semester.

Filed Under (1) by chikuma on 09-10-2008

Like the last year, the Japanese Club meets on Wednesdays, at 1 p.m., outside Bell 403 for recycling sessions. See you there!

Filed Under (1) by chikuma on 09-10-2008

I got a few inquiries about this over the summer — The CofC currently does not offer a degree in Japanese or Japanese Studies. However, you can major in something else, get a degree in it, and minor in Japanese Studies. For questions related to admissions, tuition, etc., please visit the College of Charleston: Future Students site, where you can ask such questions.