Charleston Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL) provides an opportunity to go back into a classroom with your peers, to facilitate a class or just to learn. It’s a great way to make new friends. You can choose to be on either side of the desk as experts share a lifetime of knowledge and experience with their peers. C.A.L.L. is a peer-to-peer lifelong learning institute, meaning that you can be just a participant, or you can volunteer to teach a course. If you have expertise in a topic you’d like to share, please email us at and we will send you full information on presenting. We are always looking for facilitators with interesting topics to share. We have presented classes in everything from gardening to physics.
Our Fall 2024 offerings will be announced by the end of September
C.A.L.L. lifelong learners who are also members of the Center for Creative Retirement will be offered a preview of the upcoming term on September 16, 2024, as part of CCR’s ongoing Monday lecture series.
C.A.L.L. operates as a committee of CCR, but one does not need to be a member of the Center of Creative Retirement to take C.A.L.L. classes. One can join either or both.
Who We Are
The Charleston Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL) is a program offered by the Center for Creative Retirement, which operates under the auspices of the College of Charleston.
Our classes are peer-to-peer and meet, unless otherwise specified, at the College of Charleston’s Riley Center for Livable Communities, 176 Lockwood Drive, Charleston. Parking is plentiful and free.
Classes meet weekly and are 90 minutes each (unless otherwise specified).
CALL offers fall and winter terms.
CALL participants pay $15 per course.
C.A.L.L. and CCR are separate registrations. CCR membership is $50 per academic year. C.A.L.L. courses are $15 each.
You are invited to join one or both of these programs.
CALL is also on Facebook at:
You do not have to be a member of CCR to take CALL classes.
Register in person at the Center for Creative Retirement’s Monday lectures [held during the academic year at 1 PM and 2:30 PM at the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery at Park Circle, 4701 Park Place West, North Charleston.]
You can also reserve a spot in a class by mailing, completing payment and registration on the first day of class. Everyone who registers will receive an emailed confirmation.
If you want to be a part of the CALL committee, are interested in facilitating a class for future terms, or just want to ask a question, Email or C.A.L.L. Coordinator Diana Barth at