Category: Career Technology

16 Job Search Errors Often Made

By Rachel Farrell, From Over the years, hiring managers have born witness to every hiring, interviewing, resume, cover letter and negotiation mistake there is. You know what these blunders are. Yet you (and hundreds of other job seekers) continue to make common job search mistakes. From those who see your mistakes over and…Continue Reading 16 Job Search Errors Often Made

8 important tips for Skype interview

From With video interviews becoming more common during hiring, not being prepared can easily keep you out of the running. While meeting via video is time saver, getting past the technological barriers of not speaking face-to-face can be difficult. Be sure you’re prepared and use Skype to your advantage, experts say. Looking for more…Continue Reading 8 important tips for Skype interview

Career Amp – Use Facebook in a New Way

CareerAmp is a new application that makes professional networking possible in Facebook. Career Amp allows you to connect with friends and see what positions may be open at the companies they work with.  CareerAmp can help amplify your career and get the most from your Facebook network, in a professional setting. What are the perks? Search…Continue Reading Career Amp – Use Facebook in a New Way

5 Ways to Use Google Alerts for Your Job Search

From Google Alerts will send you e-mail when new entries (or even a single entry) are added to the top search results for the specific search term you ask Google to monitor. Currently, Google provides 6 different Alert capabilities (see Setting Up Google Alerts) and you’ll probably find a need for all of them…Continue Reading 5 Ways to Use Google Alerts for Your Job Search

10 Ways to Use Twitter to Get Recruiters’ Attention

By Shannon Lowder contributing writer Because more than a hundred applicants often respond to each online job posting, recruiters are rethinking their traditional practice of posting positions on career websites. Rather than posting the jobs and dealing with an onslaught of random resumes, they’ve started proactively seeking skilled workers. And Twitter is fast becoming…Continue Reading 10 Ways to Use Twitter to Get Recruiters’ Attention