Category: Blogroll

Are You Ready For the Career Expo & Graduate School Fair?

Have you researched the employers and schools that will be attending? Is your resume up to date and relevant for to the Career Fair employers and schools? Do you have appropriate, professional attire to wear? If you need any guidance or assistance in preparing for the Fair, please make sure to check out the Career Expo Student/Alumni Guide, or…Continue Reading Are You Ready For the Career Expo & Graduate School Fair?

Preparing for the Career Expo

The Fall 2010 Career Fair & Graduate School Expo is coming up next week, so to help get you ready for it, here a few suggestions to follow in your preparations.                               1. Do your research. Look at the different companies, organizations and schools coming to the Career Fair on our website and investigate them. What…Continue Reading Preparing for the Career Expo

Fall 2010 Career & Graduate School Expo…Less than 20 Days Away and Counting

Fall 2010 Career & Graduate School Expo Thursday, October 21, 2010 12:00 – 3:30 pm Gaillard Municipal Auditorium, 77 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC *Open to students and alumni of The College of Charleston The 2010 Fall Career & Graduate School Expo Fair is right around the corner…Thursday, October 21st to be exact. There will be 80 different employers lined up…Continue Reading Fall 2010 Career & Graduate School Expo…Less than 20 Days Away and Counting

teachNOLA Fellows

teachNOLA is recruiting recent college graduates and talented individuals with an intense desire to drive the city’s rebirth by boosting academic achievement for all students. Because the city of New Orleans is at the forefront of public education reform, it is critical that teachNOLA continues to have the most talented and effective individuals in our city’s…Continue Reading teachNOLA Fellows

10 Things to Never Put on Your Resume

From For job seekers, the resume may be the most important document they need. After all, what’s on that simple piece of paper can mean the difference between landing an interview and landing in the circular file.  While most job seekers concentrate on what they should include on their resume, few pay attention to…Continue Reading 10 Things to Never Put on Your Resume

College Hiring Rebounds 13.5 Percent for Class of 2011

From the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) Knowledge Center College hiring is projected to rebound in time for the Class of 2011 to feel the effects. Employers taking part in NACE’s Job Outlook 2011 Fall Preview survey anticipate hiring 13.5 percent more new college graduates from the Class of 2011 than they…Continue Reading College Hiring Rebounds 13.5 Percent for Class of 2011

Attitude Is All When It Comes To Winning Interviews

From An introspective and insightful article on the importance of your attitude and interpersonal skills in relation to current trends seen in job interviews.  To read the entire article please click here….Continue Reading Attitude Is All When It Comes To Winning Interviews

Summer’s Over and You Still Don’t Have a Fall Internship… Now What?

Posted by The Good Intern on College The few weeks right before school starts back up can be a hectic and exciting time for lots of students. On one hand, you’re excited to soon be reunited with friends you haven’t seen all summer, but on the other hand you’re sad to say goodbye to those…Continue Reading Summer’s Over and You Still Don’t Have a Fall Internship… Now What?

Networking Survival: 8 Tips for Introverts

By Karen Kodzik, Career Management Consultant, Cultivating Careers & Robert Shindell, President & “The Career Doctor” at A well-crafted and targeted article with tips on how to master the art of networking in a way that works for introverts….Continue Reading Networking Survival: 8 Tips for Introverts

Handy (and Strategic) Tips for Dealing With Office Politics

by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D. From It’s safe to say that no matter where you work — regardless of the industry or profession — you will encounter the inner dynamics of people plotting and scheming and jockeying for position and power… something called office or workplace politics. Workers have three options when faced with…Continue Reading Handy (and Strategic) Tips for Dealing With Office Politics