Month: May 2012

3 Reasons Your Resume is Keeping the Phone from Ringing

From by Jessica Holbrook Hernandez If you know someone who’s looking for a job—and I’m sure you do—then you may have heard them complain about having sent their resume off to hundreds of employers, only to receive absolutely no responses or acknowledgments. I’ve heard this complaint countless times from friends and colleagues. Part of…Continue Reading 3 Reasons Your Resume is Keeping the Phone from Ringing

Why Fear is Hurting Your Career

By Bud Bilanich From Success Tweet Success Tweet: Procrastination is the physical manifestation of fear and is a confidence killer. Act; especially when you’re afraid. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts on Success Tweet 45, 46 and 47, fear is the enemy of self-confidence and success. Fear often manifests itself as procrastination. Most people…Continue Reading Why Fear is Hurting Your Career

Using Pinterest as a Job-Search and Branding Tool

From NACE Spotlight for Career Services Professionals Pinterest—a content-sharing social media website on which account holders “pin” images, videos, and more to their virtual pinboards—is gaining popularity for its broad spectrum of uses. Thom Rakes, career center director at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, sees two ways students can use Pinterest to enhance their…Continue Reading Using Pinterest as a Job-Search and Branding Tool

5 Ways to Land that Post-College Job (Even if You Graduated Years Ago)

by Jessica Kleiman, Contributor For college seniors and grad school students, graduation is no longer something on the distant horizon. In the next several weeks, many will be entering a tough job market, although the good news is it’s starting to look up. According to a 2012 survey by the National Association of Colleges…Continue Reading 5 Ways to Land that Post-College Job (Even if You Graduated Years Ago)

2012 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads

From Experience invited employers from across the country to participate in the 2012 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads survey, and the winners are in! This exciting initiative is dedicated to identifying and recognizing the best employers for recent college graduates. As a whole, these 10 organizations offered outstanding company cultures, sweet paychecks,…Continue Reading 2012 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads