Here are a few reminders, ideas and suggestions for following up with employers and graduate schools after the Expo last week: Visit organization/company/school websites for additional information. Apply online to companies that indicated this as your next step in their application process or follow the instructions you were provided in order to indicate your interest….Continue Reading Tips for Following Up from the Fall Career & Graduate School Expo
Are You Ready for the Fall 2011 Career & Graduate School Expo???
Have you researched the employers and schools that will be attending? Is your resume up to date and relevant for to the Career Fair employers and schools? Do you have appropriate, professional attire to wear? If you need any guidance or assistance in preparing for the Fair, please make sure to check out the Career Expo…Continue Reading Are You Ready for the Fall 2011 Career & Graduate School Expo???
Fall 2011 Career, Internship & Graduate School Expo
Fall 2011 Career, Internship & Graduate School Expo Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:00 – 3:30 pm Gaillard Municipal Auditorium, 77 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC *Open to students and alumni of The College of Charleston The day is finally approaching. After four (or five) years, you are now ready to go into the world of professional…Continue Reading Fall 2011 Career, Internship & Graduate School Expo
Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn’t & Why: 10 Things You’d Better Do if You Want to Get Ahead
PODCAST From If you’re a fast-tracker striving for career advancement like a heat-seeking missile then this is a podcast you can’t afford to miss. On this week’s episode of Salary Talk, we interview Donald Asher, author of “Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn’t and Why” and “Cracking the Hidden Job Market,” who deals exclusively with career professionals…Continue Reading Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn’t & Why: 10 Things You’d Better Do if You Want to Get Ahead
What Employers Want – and Do Not Want – in Your Resume
by Robin Schlinger, Robin’s Resumes From You are struggling to understand what employers want in a resume: What will make them stand up and take notice? In many ways, what you leave out is just as important as what you leave in. *Interested in learning more about what employers think about your resume? Come…Continue Reading What Employers Want – and Do Not Want – in Your Resume