Tips for Following Up After the Career & Graduate School Expo

Here are a few reminders, ideas and suggestions for following up with employers and graduate schools after the Expo:

  • Visit organization/school websites for additional information. Apply online to companies that indicated this as your next step in their application process or follow the instructions you were provided in order to indicate your interest.
  • Promptly follow up with recruiters representing organizations of interest to you. Send a short thank you note (email is acceptable, or regular mail) to the recruiters representing organizations of particular interest to you. Use this opportunity to thank the recruiters for their time and to re-affirm your interest in their organization
  • Stay informed. Know what the next steps are to earn the position you seek. Keep on top of all communication with employers and follow up with them by the deadlines indicated.
  • Avoid letting too much time lapse in between communications – but don’t confuse persistence with pushiness. Give them ample time to get back in touch with you. Sometimes recruiters are on the road longer than anticipated and cannot follow up with you exactly as they had intended. However, if you haven’t heard anything by a week after the recruiter indicated you would be contacted, follow up with them.
  • Stay connected to future employer and career related opportunities with the Career Center website and our Events Calendar.
  • Make sure to keep checking CISTERNonline to see if employers post any future positions or openings.
  • Make sure to schedule an appointment with a Career Center representative if you need assistance in the application process for graduate school.

These are just a few ideas the Career Center suggests.  Make sure to stay tuned for the Spring Career Expo coming up next February!  Until then, please stop by the Career Center if we can be of any assistance.

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