Month: September 2010

teachNOLA Fellows

teachNOLA is recruiting recent college graduates and talented individuals with an intense desire to drive the city’s rebirth by boosting academic achievement for all students. Because the city of New Orleans is at the forefront of public education reform, it is critical that teachNOLA continues to have the most talented and effective individuals in our city’s…Continue Reading teachNOLA Fellows

10 Things to Never Put on Your Resume

From For job seekers, the resume may be the most important document they need. After all, what’s on that simple piece of paper can mean the difference between landing an interview and landing in the circular file.  While most job seekers concentrate on what they should include on their resume, few pay attention to…Continue Reading 10 Things to Never Put on Your Resume

College Hiring Rebounds 13.5 Percent for Class of 2011

From the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) Knowledge Center College hiring is projected to rebound in time for the Class of 2011 to feel the effects. Employers taking part in NACE’s Job Outlook 2011 Fall Preview survey anticipate hiring 13.5 percent more new college graduates from the Class of 2011 than they…Continue Reading College Hiring Rebounds 13.5 Percent for Class of 2011

Attitude Is All When It Comes To Winning Interviews

From An introspective and insightful article on the importance of your attitude and interpersonal skills in relation to current trends seen in job interviews.  To read the entire article please click here….Continue Reading Attitude Is All When It Comes To Winning Interviews