Year: 2009

Dealing with Emotions at Work

It’s happened to all of us.  We’re going about our day, doing our jobs, when suddenly someone is screaming at us, insulting us, or generally making us wish we hadn’t gotten out of bed that morning.  Learning to manage emotions is an important part of becoming a professional.  So how do you project a professional image while you’re screaming…Continue Reading Dealing with Emotions at Work

Interviews 101: Clothes

Clothes make the man (or woman). Have you ever heard that statement? In most cases this is not true-we are not who we are because of the clothes we wear, but in the interview it is the case. When meeting the employer for the first time our clothes convey an unspoken statement about ourselves. With…Continue Reading Interviews 101: Clothes

Spring Career Fair ’09…Less than 20 Days Away and Counting…

The day is finally here. After four (or five) years, you are now ready to go into the world of professional employment. But where will you find that wonderful new career? One choice is at the 2009 Spring Career Fair. There will be over 70 different employers lined up to talk to you about possible…Continue Reading Spring Career Fair ’09…Less than 20 Days Away and Counting…

How NOT to Succeed in the Workplace

How NOT to Succeed in the Workplace   Whether you’re at a part-time job, internship, full-time job, or volunteer position, here are some sure-fire ways NOT to succeed at work!       1.  Ignore the office dress code       2.  Have a bad attitude       3.  Arrive late repeatedly without calling, or – better yet…Continue Reading How NOT to Succeed in the Workplace

What is a Cover Letter and do I have to have one?

A cover letter serves as your letter of introduction to the employer, and is also a valuable marketing tool in the job search process.  So the answer is yes, you should definitely include a cover letter when applying to job or internship opportunities.  Also, think of it this way:  your resume lists your credentials…your education,…Continue Reading What is a Cover Letter and do I have to have one?

Off-Campus Employment: What’s to Lose, What’s to Gain

Off-campus employment opportunities are a great way to get a glimpse into the ways of the professional world. The city of Charleston has an array of employment possibilities, often times only walking distance from campus Working off campus provides many different incentives to college students. Those eclectic group of employers have many different perspectives to…Continue Reading Off-Campus Employment: What’s to Lose, What’s to Gain

Off-Campus Employment: What’s to Lose, What’s to Gain

Off-campus employment opportunities are a great way to get a glimpse into the ways of the professional world. The city of Charleston has an array of employment possibilities, often times only walking distance from campus. Working off campus provides many different incentives to college students. Those eclectic group of employers have many different perspectives to…Continue Reading Off-Campus Employment: What’s to Lose, What’s to Gain