A great website for all things related to the interview. It has thousands of questions that you may run into during the job interview. The site also gives great tips for generating your own questions and different ways to prepare for and follow-up after the interview.
One of the most important steps in the job search process is researching the company you want to work for. This helpful website walks your through the process and shows you different ways you can find information about different companies and organizations.
Great website full of information for the various stages in the career development and job search processes. Watch short videos about different occupations, discover salary information, get help with writing a resume, and more!
CNN’s Cost of Living Calculator
Many of you will most likely move away from the Charleston area but how much is it going to cost living in Seattle or Dallas? Check out this website to compare different cities and find out how much it is going to cost.
One of the best tools in finding jobs in specific fields or industries is to find the relevant associations. This website helps alleviate some of the stress of finding those associations.