Interviews 101: Behavior

The interview is an important step in the job hiring process. You, the potential employee, have wowed them with your resume and now you just need to back up all that information and wow them in the interview. Those minutes (or hours) you sit before your potential boss or supervisor can make or break you. If the employer is not impressed during the interview then it is a guarantee that you will NOT receive the position.

The way you act during an interview can effect the impression the employer has about you. For example, if you tend to jump around in your chair the employer may become distracted by your gymnastics and not pay attention to your responses to their questions. Here are some tips for behavior in the interview no matter if it is for a part-time job, an internship or full-time position.

You have most likely heard the expression that first impressions are hard to change. This is especially true when meeting with a potential employer for the first interview. The initial reaction they have to you may greatly effect their recommendation for hire. When meeting the employer you need to greet them with a smile and an enthusiastic personality. A positive attitude will show the employer you are excited about being there and that you have confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you go in with a frown or lack luster personality the employer may get the wrong impression and think you are either not serious about the job or that working with you would not be a pleasant experience. Remember the employer is sizing you up to see not only if you can do the job, but if you will work well with others.

Another key behavior you need to be aware of is your body language. During the interview your body language is a key element in showing your confidence. Do not fidget with your hands, pen, hair, or anything else. This will betray you if you are nervous or the employer may think your mind is not on the interview. Another way of showing your complete attention in the interview is to look at the employer in the eye.

Not only do you have to be careful about what your body is saying silently, you need to be extra aware of what your mouth is saying. The words you use will help the employer paint a picture of the kind of person you are. Remember these tips: first, no cursing in the interview. It is very rude and unprofessional and you want the employer to see you as a professional. Second, try to avoid filler words like “um,” “you know,” and “like.” These words can be distracting for the employer and may make it hard to follow your speech. The last key tip for speaking in the interview is use correct grammar. Keep in mind you are not hanging out with your friends and talking casually. Using correct grammar will help you appear professional and educated; if you do not use the right words the employer can get the wrong impression about you. They need to be able to imagine you talking with clients or other workers.

There are a lot of other behaviors you should avoid during the interview. Share some of your own thoughts about interviewee behavior. What did you do that impressed the employer? Or did you do something so bad you bombed the whole thing?

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