Tagged: weightlifting

Spring 2015 Weightlifting Competition

GSFC Weightlifting Competition

Where: George Street Fitness Center

When:  Friday, April 10, 2015 at 2 PM

Events: Bench, Squat, and Deadlift

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 8


Competition begins at 2 PM sharp. No registration fee. Best of three (3) attempts for the Bench, Squat, and Deadlift.  No weight classes, but there will be an absolute (heaviest weight) and relative (divided by body weight) champion for each event plus overall combined score winner for Men and Women’s divisions.  You can compete in individual events.  We are using slightly modified rules to accommodate the facility.  Each lift will be judged.  Participants must submit their 3 attempt loads per event by day of competition.  Rules are available upon request and will be explained upon registering to compete. To sign up, please contact Bucky Buchanan at lbuchana@cofc.edu.

Click here for additional information.