Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Breathing Space I am grateful for healthy teeth! 3 Priorities: Submit paper Work on survey Gym

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Breathing Space I am grateful for my sabbatical! 3 Priorities: Learn more about time preferences Submit paper Meditate.

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Breathing Space I am grateful for my daughter and the time I get to spend with her. 3 Priorities: Submit…

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Body Scan I am grateful for my colleagues. 3 Priorities: Submit paper Watch Behavioral Econ Videos Library Book

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Body Scan I am grateful for good schools for my children to attend. 3 Priorities: Credit Card Submission Reading

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Body Scan I am grateful for warm clothes. 3 Priorities: Survey Paper Email

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Body Scan I am grateful for warm shelter. 3 Priorities: Read Book Work on submission Meet w/Nicole

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Body Scan I am grateful for the opportunity to ski with my family this weekend. 3 Priorities: Read Mindfulness book…

Mindfulness Practice: 12 Deep Breaths, Body Scan I am grateful for the opportunity to go skiing! 3 Priorities: Look at Wes comments Look at Chris’…

Mindfulness Practice: Body Scan, 12 Deep Breaths I am grateful for the opportunity to go to the mountains. 3 Priorities: Look at Chris’ paper Read…
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