18 August 2021
I saw a most interesting thing happen on my way to work this morning. At a red light, I watched a middle-aged man cross the street in front of me. Once on the other side of the street, he paused under a telephone pole, and then it seemed as though a large splash of water came down and hit him on the head. However, the splash was not just water, but a squirrel, which had apparently fallen off the pole above him and landed on his head! The squirrel jumped off his head to the ground, and then climbed back up the pole. I chuckled to myself as I watched all of this unfold. He saw me and gave me a smile and a wave. I returned his smile with one of my own, and gave him a little shrug, saying “what a funny thing to happen” to myself!
Mindfulness Practice: Full Body Scan
I am grateful for education for my children. On this first day of school for my kids, I am grateful that they have good schools to attend.
3 Priorities:
- Work on flooding draft and send it to Chris by lunch.
- Activate debit card.
- Work on syllabi.
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