10 August 2021 – What I Learned Today
- In reading the literature on Mindfulness, I am noticing some trends. De-centering seems to be an important phenomenon that may have an impact in the experimental economics laboratory. This phenomenon reduces the impact of ego in decision making, and could have an impact on decisions when others’ behavior has already impacted the decision maker (for example, the second stage of the trust game, or the second round of any repeated game).
- I think it is important that I become a regular meditator/mindfulness practitioner in order to better understand the impact of this practice on decision making.
- In the literature on elevating properties to mitigate flooding, there is a focus on showing that elevation is good for avoiding the costs of flooding, but no research has been done on the impact of elevation on property value itself.
Rose: Meditating
Bud: More reading on mindfulness
Thorn: My computer continuing to want to use web browsers to view pdfs. Ugh!
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