New decals promote safety and awareness for the College community.
If you have been inside a classroom on campus lately, you might have noticed a new Emergency Procedures decal on the wall. The purpose of the Emergency Procedures decals is to provide reminders and guidance to faculty, staff, and students about proper procedures in the event of some common emergency situations that may occur on campus or in any campus building anywhere. The decals include information about injury, chemical spills, flooding, hurricane, earthquakes, fire, active shooter situations, and other guidelines. Each decal also refers the reader to go to for more information in time of a major emergency. Public Safety emergency numbers are also published on the decals.
The current 11×17 rendition of the decal is based on an initial one designed about 10 years ago by Public Safety. Randy Beaver was assigned with creating a revision of the information and ensuring this information was posted around all campus facilities. Beaver worked with Marketing and Communications, Public Safety, and the President’s Office to create the version that now exists.
Beaver was tasked with validating all information, developing a process for distribution, and making sure all campus buildings have this information posted. In addition to the emergency procedures, evacuation and shelter in place maps will be attached to the decal for each location. These will show occupants where to take cover if directed to do so in a shooter situation or severe weather. The individual location maps also show two fire exit routes from each location with ‘you are here’ starts and arrows indicating escape routes. Beaver has already placed around 100 maps himself in order to trouble shoot and see what issues may be encountered before all decals and maps are placed around the College’s facilities.
There will around 900 maps and decals (each) installed in all non-resident campus facilities first. Two students will place these maps in all areas near doorways, entrances, and common meeting areas over the next 30-45 days. Following that, maps for residence rooms will be designed and placed in residence halls and student housing.