What is your department?
The Office of Parking Services, or just Parking Services
What is the function of your department?
To manage all campus parking, including: employee and student permits, parking enforcement, and guest and event parking.
How many employees are there in your department?
What are the total years of experience/service (sum of all employees) in your department?
Believe it or not, 40 years! Four of us have been here at least 7 years, and one employee (Stephaine Campbell) has been here for over 12 years.
What are some statistics that you’re able to share?
Number of employee permits sold annually: 1,060
Total number of student permits sold annually (Fall, Spring, and Summer): 2,125
Are there any services that your department offers that the College community might be unaware of?
We provide information about alternatives to parking, such as CARTA and the newly-launched Enterprise CarShare program. Employees and students can pick up CARTA maps and Enterprise CarShare brochures in our office.
For more information about Parking Services, visit parkingservices.cofc.edu.