The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce a major upgrade to the PeopleAdmin Talent Management System, which will be implemented in early July. The upgrade will significantly improve the hiring experience for the applicant, hiring manager, and approvers. In the next few weeks, HR will be providing employees with additional information and dates for demonstrations; however, listed below are some of the enhancements:
- Unique and separate interface to accommodate and facilitate faculty recruitment (Academic Affairs will be communicating additional information.)
- Enhanced and more efficient staff position description and recruitment process
- Friendlier applicant portal
- More professional-looking web entry presence
- Consistent Windows-based menus and processes (including a working back-button!)
- Individualized and centrally located dashboards with reminders, tasks, and reports
- User choices and controls to individualize and accommodate user preferences
In addition to the Position Management and Recruitment modules, the Evaluation Module will also be upgraded. This module will be implemented in September in time for the 2013 Evaluation Cycle. HR is currently working with a focus group with representatives from each division and two Staff Advisory Committee members to update the evaluation process and form. HR’s objective is to streamline the process while making it more meaningful and goal oriented.
HR appreciates your patience as it transitions to the new system and hope that this will result in positive changes for employees and applicants for employment.