National Hurricane Preparedness Week ran from May 27 through June 2. In an effort to raise awareness at the College, Randy Beaver, Director of Environmental Health and Safety, conducted a series of Personal and College Preparedness sessions.
Eight sessions were held in Addlestone 227 with over 260 faculty and staff members in attendance. Each session lasted one hour and covered the same material. Sessions were repeated for the convenience of faculty and staff.
One of the main points was having familiarity with evacuation routes and knowing what items should be taken with you (or left at home) in case of an evacuation. Planning is the key. If you don’t have an existing personal plan in place, develop one. If you have an existing plan, revisit it and make necessary adjustments.
Personal Preparedness
Each person has a unique situation so no single hurricane preparedness guide will fit your needs. If you were forced to evacuate, what items would you need to restart your life? Keep in mind that children, pets, or the elderly might require additional items. Beaver recommends packing personal information that helps identify who you are. In addition to a photo ID, pack a utility bill or bank statement.
College Preparedness
Beaver will soon be recruiting essential personnel, individuals who will remain on campus longer than other faculty and staff members in case an evacuation is called. For safety reasons, no College employee will be allowed to stay at the College overnight. The new system of controlled access will ensure facilities are up and running before people return to campus.
The 2012 South Carolina Hurricane Guide is available online and contains important information to help you develop your own preparedness plan.
Did you miss one of the sessions but wanted to attend? Beaver will be conducting another set of sessions in August. Information about the sessions will be distributed in the upcoming weeks.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Prepare now.