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Teaching the #TechGeneration

Posted by: Jennifer Stevens | April 26, 2012 | 1 Comment |

Teaching, Learning, and Technology will host the Faculty Technology Institute.The theme of this year’s FTIs is Teaching the #TechGeneration. The FTI will address the characteristics, motivation, and myths of the Tech Generation, the largest percentage of the College’s current student body. Also known as the Net Generation or Digital Natives, the Tech Generation is any American born after 1990. Research shows that this generation is often described as technically savvy, participatory, and socially aware and engaged.

This year’s FTI aims to further the discussion and pedagogy revolving around what it means to teach, connect, and engage with students at the College.

TLT will be hosting two one-week long Institutes this summer. Both sessions will cover the same information and consist of faculty discussions, required readings, participant generated content, and technical tools. The FTIs, which typically take place in the Beatty Center, will run from May 21 – 25 and June 4 – 8. Agendas from past FTIs can be found here.

TLT’s mission is to engage each FTI participant to:

  • Identify the challenges and benefits of teaching to the current student population.
  • Examine “alternative” instructional strategies and technologies for engaging and assessing students.
  • Analyze their own instruction practices to
    1. Identify areas of potential improvement
    2. Incorporate appropriate technology tools into their instruction
  • Provide ample opportunity for reflection, creativity, and engagement with the provided content.

Starting this summer, FTI participants will be challenged with the 1-1-1 commitment.  The commitment requires that each participant employ at least one tool and/or strategy introduced in the 2012 Summer FTI into at least one of their courses or research within one year of completion (July 1, 2013) of the FTI.

In order to measure the results, FTI graduates will report their actions in the form of a scholarly paper, series of blog posts, or a self-contained digital presentation, such as a video or slideshow with voiceover. The project will be posted on the TLT blog and shared with the campus community.

For additional information regarding the Faculty Technology Institute, please visit the Teaching, Learning, and Technology blog at http://blogs.charleston.edu/tlt/.

under: Business Affairs
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[…] Teaching, Learning, and Technology will host two one-week long sessions of the Faculty Technology Institute. Theme of this year’s FTI is Teaching the #Tech Generation. A write-up about the FTI can be found here. […]

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