A message from Steve Osborne, Executive Vice President for Business Affairs:
“As most of you are aware, the College has been involved in updating its Campus Master Plan in support of the overall Strategic Plan. This column will be used to provide a short summary of the plan.
The 2012 Campus Master Plan is the result of a 12-month collaboration process among the campus community, the City of Charleston, and our surrounding neighborhoods. The plan was presented to our Board of Trustees and adopted at its January 20 meeting. The plan was developed in conjunctions with the consulting firm of Hanbury Evans Wright Walters & Company.
The prior Plan was completed in 2004, and the new plan represents an update to that plan. As the new plan points out, the implementation of our plan must be viewed through the lens of College priorities, opportunities, constraints and vision, which are in constant flux. The Plan will serve as a guide to developments of facilities but is not a fixed prescription for the order of buildings on sites. Our Plan assumes we will be able to acquire additional properties within our overall footprint and the timing of acquisitions will affect building plans. One major tenet of the Plan is that growth is contemplated within the general footprints of the campus that exists today. What that means in reality is we will be seeking properties along Calhoun Street and other parcels adjacent to current College properties.
The Plan included an extensive study of how we utilize space on our campus. The conclusion of the study was that we currently have a deficit of 280,234 assignable square feet. The study identifies the overall need for additional ASF could be as great as 640,204 by 2020.
The Plan also stressed the need for upgrading technology and redesigning how we deliver academic teaching in the future. The plan proposes a 45,000 SF Learning Technology Center adjacent to Addlestone Library.
Additionally, the Plan reviews our use of current buildings and proposes the demolition of some buildings due to age and space. In some cases it makes sense to rebuild to increase height and the number of floors in buildings.
The Plan proposes four phases of building over the next 20 years. Most of the planned additions are concentrated in the first 10 years. In the first five-year phase, several renovations will occur. In addition to the Learning Technology Center, plans potentially include a fitness center for students and an alumni center.
While a large number of people participated in the process, I want to recognize Monica Scott and Alyson Goff for their huge work efforts throughout this process causing this to be a very professional and quality product.”
The 2012 Campus Master Plan is now available online at masterplan.cofc.edu.