Author Archive | Taylor


I genuinely spent SO much time on my website (for no real reason) and I will not lie I am incredibly happy with the way it turned out. I didn’t really go into this assignment with a plan for how I would tackle the format, as I sort of just built off of things as […]

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Always Meant to Be an English Major

When I made the official switch to becoming an English major from my Communications major, I believed that I had initially made the wrong choice or that I was choosing a “harder” path. However, that was not the case at all, nor do I know why I thought it would be. As much as many […]

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A Thank You to All the Street Dogs

Now before we get into this, I would like to preface this whole thing by saying this is all coming from a cat lover and owner. Walking down the busy street after class, having what I remember to be a conversation on a rather difficult or annoying topic with a friend, though at this point […]

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Filling Life With The Simplest Delights

In an attempt to not sound like every reader or writer that always loves to recommend every book that they think changed them or brought them joy, though I am also very guilty of this issue, Ross Gay’s Book of Delights is a wonderful read for those looking to connect the smallest parts of one’s day […]

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“Oh, You’re an English Major?”

“Oh, you’re an English major? So you must want to teach English right?” That’s the question that haunts most English majors the moment they hear it roll off a person’s tongue as if there could not possibly be any other path that could be taken. Though I have always resented the mere thought of that […]

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