New VoiceThread Commenting Features

If you haven’t explored VoiceThread since last semester, you will be pleased to learn about the tool’s three new commenting features.  Direct replies and threaded conversations make interaction more interactive and dynamic, while private replies allow participants to engage one another more discreetly. Direct Replies Owners and editors of VoiceThreads are able to insert comments…

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VoiceThread is now more accessible than ever

VoiceThread is an easy way to create everything from student presentations to course lectures…. Universal View This view is readable by computerized screen readers used by those with sight issues. This view is also navigable using only the keyboard (no mouse needed) so it’s more accessible to those with physical issues. The Universal View is…

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Dear TLT: Can I Embed a VoiceThread Lecture in OAKS Content?

Dear TLT, Is it possible to embed a VoiceThread lecture in OAKS content? I know my students access VoiceThread via the Multimedia Resources widget, to make comments, but what if my lecture is view only? Sincerely, Professor C. Connors Genetic Biology [hr] Dear Professor Connors, Great question! Yes, you can. To embed view-only VoiceThread lectures in OAKS content, follow these eight steps:…

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Preparing for the Unexpected

On Tuesday, the College of Charleston experienced a safety and communication crisis when a bomb threat was made.  Classes in six buildings were officially cancelled and many faculty, staff, and students were prohibited from accessing their offices, classrooms, and dorms until 5:00PM.  This unexpected disruption caused many professors to lose valuable class time. As the…

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OAKS Integrations Quick Guide

OAKS is integrated with three helpful pedagogical tools: Voicethread, Kaltura, and NBC Learn.  This quick guide gives you an overview of each tool, how you can use it in your teaching, and tutorials and best practices. OAKS Integration Quick Guide (pdf)…

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